Tuesday, April 29, 2014


what is sleep? i miss it- like, a lot. 

kinley has slept through the night since eight weeks. yeah you heard it- she's super baby. 

but lately, not so much....

it started last month- waking up talking to herself at one in the morning, and if I don't go in the room she talks to herself till three. WHAT. THE. EFF???

she is going through what my crunchy mamas like to call a "leap," a fancy hippie word for growth spurt. and in my mind, I agree- it's a leap. but I just want my sleepy girlie back. 

and my mom would say, "you signed up for this," and i did, i knew what i was getting into by having a child. but i guess what i didn't expect was a sweet, little, sleepy babe for the first eight months, and then having a night owl after. and i am all for her staying up late- good for her, but not when she still wakes up around 6:30 anyway. 

THEN- i have to realize, SHE'S A BABY! she does whatever she wants, and i need to be fine with that. it is going to take some getting used to, being sleep deprived for 18 years, but she is SO worth it. I mean just look at her. Life is a miracle, and we are so lucky. 

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